Saturday, March 24, 2012

An Unusual Thursday

Thursday was an interesting day for me.

First I lost my brain cells and decided to click on this article on MSN about "The 10 Things Your Doctor Doesn't Tell You About Pregnancy" or something like that.  I was very bored and figured I might learn something while I passed the time.  The article started out bad and just got worse.   I knew I should stop reading but it was like a crime scene...I wanted to look away but I just couldn't.  The farther I read the worse it got.  You'd think when I got to the point where it went into detail about hemmrohoids I would have stopped.  Apparently I'm unstoppable.  Then I got to the part about leaking and all these horrible things that happen during childbirth. It was the most terrifying thing of my week and I probably should mention that earlier this week I watched a shark feeding frenzy and I'm very terrified of sharks.  This article was like 100 times worse than that shark feeding frenzy.  I wish there was a pill to erase all of this horrible knowledge that's now engrained in my brain.

I got home that evening and noticed the weeds in our front yard were getting out of control.  Not pulling your weeds in a neighborhood with a HOA is like playing Russian Roulette.  Eventually you're going to lose and you'll either get one of those annoying letters in the mail telling you to evict those weeds ASAP or an even more annoying bill.  Neither of those options sounded great so I figured I'd be proactive about the situation this time.  I changed into my jeans, grabbed my gloves and a trash bag, and started pulling the weeds..  There were a TON of weeds along the rock/sidewalk border.  Yes, we have rocks in the front yard...what I always dreamed of :)    I crouched down by the sidewalk, facing the house, and begun pulling the stubborn weeds.  I started to notice a lot of cars driving by, but then I'm not outside that much so I figured that always happens.  Then I noticed a couple cars drove by a few times.  Our street is pretty short so that seemed a little weird because they barely had time to get around the block and come back. I thought maybe they were dropping someone off?  Someone who actually got out of the car right away perhaps?  As I was comtemplating this that's about when I realized that the entire time I was bent over pulling those weeds I was clearly flashing my bright blue thong.  How classy is that?  Perhaps the passer byers were taking photos to upload to some website the equivalent to the people of wal-mart. 

During my weed pulling experience I saw a little bunny in the front yard.  Rabbits are EVERYWHERE in Nebraska but in Arizona they seem to either be really good hiders or much more scarce.  I always get super excited when I see them and during dinner I was telling Mr. C. about the super cute bunny after I finished telling him the story of  how I flashed our neighbors/innocent passer-byers.
Me: OMG I saw the CUTEST bunny in the yard.  I even got a picture of him!  Do you want to see???  Nevermind, that's a dumb question - of course you do, here it is!

Mr. C.: Wow, you were really close to him.

Me: Yeah it was like from here (I guesture) to there (guesture again).  He was so cute and OMG I just remembered that I saw another one when I was leaving work.  2 in one day, how crazy is that?  Actually the one at work was a JACKRABBIT and he had these HUGE ears, like HUUUUGE and.....

Mr. C: (his eyes light up he practically yells) I SAW A WOLF TODAY!!! (this was in the middle of my riveting bunny story)


Mr. C: YEAH!

Me: Well that kinda made my rabbit story sound super lame now.

Mr. C: (laughs) kinda did, sorry about that.   But I saw a WOLF!  So yeah, my co-worker and I saw this wolf during lunch today! 

Me: Where? Just walking around?

Mr. C: Yeah, he was in the parking lot. (Pause)  Well, it had a collar on it but we're sure it was a wolf!

Me: Mr. C, I believe you saw a dog.

Mr. C: No really, I'll find you a picture. 

He then pulls up a photo from google of a howling wolf.  I rolled my eyes and verified his story with his co-worker via text.  They both are SURE they saw a wolf. 

Maybe you had to be there, but there's nothing like a wolf story to make a rabbit seem just plain lame.

I can't wait for dinner tonight.  Maybe I'll get to hear about the polar bear that was in the parking lot during lunch today.


  1. I am so glad that post wasn't about me. I do live on a busy street with a lot of traffic going past and I was bending over a lot yesterday. I was wondering what I looked like from the back myself. Maybe we should
    have a spotter check us out or tell us how to avoid this I know my traffic was going rather fast to look much. The bunny was cute Thanks for that

  2. Come on you bloggers. Tell Mrs. C that there is no greater joy in this world than to have a child to care for, nurture and hopefully grow up to be your best friend, It is truly the BESTEST experience ever and no stories will over shadow the birth into the world by those details of what might happen. Riding the Tower of Terror is much worse than birthing a creation from God. I will love you forever, Mrs. C. Your very loving Mom

  3. I would just like to agree with your very loving Mom! LOL

    And all the stories in that article don't happen with every sing pregnancy! :)
