Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Where does the time go?

Today Mr. C and I are celebrating 9 years together.  In some ways it's hard to believe it's been that long, but at the same time it's honestly impossible for me to imagine my life without him.  We've gone through so much together.  He was literally the boy next door in the dorms and once I finally realized that he wasn't hiding something and that nice guys did actually exist, we've been inseparable ever since.  He came to visit me in NE over the first Christmas break and I know my dad (and probably a bunch of other people) thought I was crazy.  Even then I knew that Mr. C filled a part of my heart that no one else could and I didn't care if I sounded crazy; I knew without a doubt he was the one for me.  Since then we've been through so much together; some of it good, and some bad, but always together.  With the busyness of everyday life it's easy to forget to tell those we love how we feel about them or how they fill our lives with joy.  Although we're married and have another anniversary we celebrate, we still celebrate the day we officially became a couple because it really is a day to celebrate and sometimes it's easy to forget how lucky we are to have found someone to share our lives with.  That's all the mushy stuff I'll post for today :)  I hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving tomorrow spent with people you love and spend some time thinking about how blessed you are, because no matter what hardships we have in our lives, we all are really blessed for some reason and have so much to be thankful for.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

She's making a list...

I blinked and it’s November already.  I hope no one tries to throw tomatoes at me for mentioning it, but Christmas is right around the corner.  I start my shopping early, sometimes picking up some things in January or March, but I kick it into high gear once November hits.  Because I’ve accumulated some gifts already and this time of year has a tendency to become a bit busy, I made myself a handy dandy excel sheet to track my gifts and today I’m sharing it with you.  Many times I buy items on sale and I like to keep track of the price paid and the actual full price of the item.  I also ship some of my gifts and trying to remember what’s been wrapped and ready to ship and what’s actually been shipped is a job in itself sometimes.   

This spreadsheet keeps it all together for me and has alleviated a bit of the stress this year. You can download the spreadsheet online here. Enjoy!