Friday, February 21, 2014

The Little Things

Today Mr. C and I are celebrating our 6 year wedding anniversary.  I'm not quite sure where the time has gone but when I look back at our wedding photos and our wedding video, it's obvious that we definitely young when we got married.   I love getting thoughtful flowers, jewelry (what girl doesn't?), and a lovey card, but sometimes the little things are the ones that really get you.

I love birds (yes, this is related).  I grew up helping my dad raise exotic birds so I'm not sure if it started then, but there's almost nothing cuter than seeing a little bird hop around (obviously baby pandas win in the cuteness contest but birds are a close second).  Last weekend I took Coconut outside in the morning and saw something bright out of the corner of my eye.  I didn't have my contacts in so everything was a little blurry but I could tell that the bright object was the woodpecker that hung out in our tree frequently. He had a red head, black and brown stripped body, and although he was a bit annoying when he was pecking on the trees on the mornings I could actually sleep in, I always loved seeing him in the yard.  I was so sad.

I asked Mr. C later if he would bury the bird.  We started talking about something else and moved on.  About an hour later he found me and verified that I really wasn't joking about the burial.  To me it just seemed wrong to put him in the trash.  I could tell that Mr. C thought I was nuts, but a few moments later I saw him out back with a shovel, digging away at the very hard ground below the tree the woodpecker frequented.  He buried him without complaining or eye-rolling.  I loved the bouquet of my favorite flowers Mr. C sent me last week, but it was nothing compared to the small, but full-of-love gesture I witnessed Saturday morning.  It really is the little things.

Happy Anniversary Mr.C! I look forward to many, many more, but hopefully no more birdie burials.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Hearts and flowers

I’m not quite sure how it’s February already but apparently it is.  The Centner house is full of pinks, reds, and lots of hearts this time of year.  After the Christmas decorations are put away it typically looks like we’ve been robbed because everything is so bare.  I’m always so thankful when I’m able to decorate for another holiday and Valentine’s Day is such a happy holiday!  Our anniversary is a week after V-day so the lovey decorations double for that as well.

I love decorating the shelves in our living room with whatever I can find around the house to tie in with whatever holiday is coming up.  I positioned some hearts into our greenery, strung some fabric garland and lights above our TV, and put some wedding momentos on the living room shelves.

Here’s a few pics of my favorite area, our mantle.

I have a pink and red heart runner on our kitchen table with a couple candles and some flowers.  These stargazer lilies are my absolute favorite flower and I can’t get enough of their sweet smell.  After a week of having them in the house I still remark how wonderful they smell everytime I walk by the table (I think it's driving Mr. C crazy).

Do you decorate for Valentine's Day?