Sunday, July 31, 2011

And the Foot Debacle Continues.....

I went back to my foot doctor last week.  The purpose of my appointment was to pick up my orthotics.  Yes, orthotics!  I guess 25 is old.

I climbed into the chair and took off my socks and shoes.  I had been wearing my sparkly black flip flops all morning because they were way cuter than the tennis shoes I changed into right before my appointment.  Unfortunately when I changed shoes I neglected to notice that the bottoms of my newly pedicured feet were now black.  I was so embarrassed!   I considered running to the sink down the hall and cleaning them but I figured someone would notice.  Instead,  I made a point to apologize for my black feet and reiterate that they weren’t really that dirty but that I had been wearing black flip flops.  I ramble when I’m embarrassed, upset, super happy, or just bored sometimes.  Anyhow, I was embarrassed I so I rambled.  I’m pretty sure he really thinks I’m nuts now even though he told me he’d seen much worse.  I think they’re just required to say things like that.

He starts tearing the soles of my shoes apart to put my orthodics in and my eyes must have given away what I was thinking (something along the lines of “WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY SHOES!”).  I put the shoes on and he begins to tell me that I’ll wear the orthodics for a little bit longer each day, eventually wearing them all the time.  This is when I asked if I’d be wearing them for awhile to which he responds, “they are part of your shoe, so you’ll wear them all the time, unless of course you wear flip flops and then that doesn’t work”.   I thought this was a temporary/when I feel like it type of thing!  At this point I’m just wondering first what he thinks I wear to work that I can just wear tennis shoes all the time and not look ridiculous and secondly, what he thinks I’ll do with my flip-flop/sandals that I’ve spend HUNDREDS of dollars on.  DSW loves me, and I love them, and apparently I have a thing for shoes, or at least the flip-flop kind.  What would our closet be full of if I got rid of my shoes?  This is just crazy talk.  So I look at him and just nod my head all the while thinking that this is so not working for me.

Then I begin to tell him how my foot is still not 100% yet and that it’s much worse when I work out.  I am good enough at making my own excuses to not work out that I don’t need another one.  This is when he suggests a leg split thing that I would sleep in.  This is also when I begin laughing.  Yes, laughing.  I’m sure he thinks I’ve lost it.  I tell him I feel so old when I go in there and he asks me why.  I just laughed and said I didn’t know while thinking “because I’m 25 and have freaking orthotics!  Orthotics are supposed to be for old people!  I’m by far the youngest person in this office EVERY SINGLE TIME I come in!  And now you want me to sleep in this thing that I’m sure is super sexy!  NOT!”.  But, I didn’t say that.

He proceeds to tell me my sexy foot sleeping device thing will be covered by insurance so I figure why not, it’s probably not that bad. He brings it in I realize I’m wrong.  It’s this big black thing I strap my foot into.  Looks super comfy too.  I’m sure I’ll be looking extra fine with that thing on.  He gives me a brief demo and I go on my merry way.  I’m supposed to go back in a couple weeks and my foot is still really annoying me so I figured that meant I have to actually use the old people orthotics and sexy foot sleeping device while also doing my annoying stretches every morning and night.  Having an organ taken out of me wasn’t even this much work.

That night I decide to try the super sexy foot sleeping device (after Mr. C has laughed at me).  We didn’t feel the need to read the instructions so it took a bit to figure it out.  The thing is monsterous and it’s not the most conducive to actual sleeping.  After getting another pillow, moving around numerous times, and checking to make sure it looked like my foot was still in the correct position about five times, I chucked it on the floor and enjoyed an awesome night of sleep.  I’ll read the instructions and try again.  I’m sure it will be a bundle of fun......

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Eva Longoria, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Pizza

I think what they say about the busiest people being the most productive is very true.  Or maybe it’s something about being the best at time management… or something like that.  When I was in grad school, working full-time, and trying to have a personal life at the same time I was so productive that it was crazy.  My calendar was packed full of notes and I knew what I needed to be doing and when I should be doing it.  Now my calendar is a little less packed but I somehow I seem to be less productive!  To be fair, I’m sleeping way more than I have in the past couple years and getting more than 5-6 hours of sleep is simply amazing.

So what have I been doing with all my newfound time?  First, I’ve been cooking more than ever and trying new (mostly healthy) recipes.  I love cooking when I have the time to really devote to it.  Luckily, our new kitchen has more counter space for me to fill with dirty dishes.  Plus, I beat Mr. C home most nights this summer and I have to admit that I enjoy having dinner ready for him, as anti-feminist as that may sound.

There are a few things that have made me enjoy my cooking all the more lately and I’m sure you’re just dying to know.  Right? 

First, I love cookbooks because they are full of possibilities.  Although I usually feel the need to tweak a recipe a bit, cookbooks give me ideas I never would have thought of.  Every now and then I get lucky and find a recipe that’s perfect just the way it is.  I LOVE Eva Longoria and when I heard she had cookbook;(yes, she has a cookbook!) I ordered it within about a minute (literally, I'm that fast on Amazon).  I’ve made quite a few things from it and they have all been in a word, amazing.  I hate cookbooks that call for some ridiculous ingredient you’ve never heard of that you’ll never use again so I’m really enjoying the realisticness of this book.  Like my new word? :)  I also recently purchased Gwyneth Paltrow’s cookbook;which is also really great, although it’s a little more adventurous.  Her blueberry muffin recipe is to die for though.  I could eat those muffins for the rest of my life.

As if the books weren’t enough to get me in the kitchen, Mr. C bought me a cookbook stand for Christmas that I’d been eyeing for awhile and it’s been getting quite a bit of use as well.  It’s still available from Crate and Barrel and I highly recommend it, even if you just want to make it LOOK like you cook! 

So all this cooking got me thinking that maybe I should share some of my favorite recipes.  So, here's my first blog recipe!  Although it might not be as amazing as Eva or Gwen’s, this usually makes an appearance a few times a month.  These mini pizzas are super easy to throw together, cook in under 10 minutes, and are pretty darn healthy (depending on what you put on them).

Mini Pizzas

Tortillas (I buy the low carb ones)
Pizza Sauce
Shredded Cheese
Dried Italian Seasoning
Crushed Red Peppers
 Toppings – pepperoni, onions, olives, mushrooms, green peppers, tomatoes, ham, pineapple, etc.

Lay out the tortillas on a pizza tray or cookie sheet.  I think it’s much easier to assemble on the tray than try to transfer later. 

Spread on pizza sauce while making sure to leave a little crust. 

Layer your favorite toppings.  If we’re having pepperoni I start with that, and then whatever veggies we have that night. 

Sprinkle Italian seasoning and crushed red peppers over everything and then top with cheese.

Bake at 350 degrees for about 7-10 minutes , depending on how crispy you want the crust.  The cheese should be melted and bubbly.  Enjoy!

While I may not be as productive as I was, I think Mr. C agrees that the new routine is pretty awesome. I've also been making time to watch TV, think about cleaning the house, read, and think about working out.  See what I mean about not really being productive? 

As a side-note that's just vaguely related to my original ramblings about productivity - apparently the French work the least (quantity-wise anyhow) and are the most productive.  This looks like my next move.  I could totally see myself in a little French villa sipping wine and eating whatever it is they eat while enjoying the afternoon and my above average salary.

Please let me know if you'd like to see more recipies by voting in the poll on the side of the page.  Perhaps you prefer my normal ramblings instead :)

Friday, July 22, 2011

My Puppy needs a friend

As I’ve mentioned before, we’ve somehow become those crazy dog people who have a million toys for their dog, dress her up for Halloween, buy her Christmas gifts for her stocking, believe that she truly understands what we’re saying when we talk to her, and basically think that we couldn’t survive without her.   We may have even been known to cover her up with her own blanket on cold nights.   We live in Arizona so it’s important to remember that it’s not the arctic here.  Basically my point is that we have a very spoiled, but very happy dog who we like to think is fairly well behaved. 

My parents have 2 cats and while they (the cats, not my parents) didn’t exactly love Coconut (i.e. they couldn’t stand her), she still had fun with them.  She mostly chased the newest one around because he was scared of her and she mistook his running away for wanting to play.  She always gets a little sad once guests leave or when we come home from being out of town with her, so it was to be expected that it’d take a couple of days for her to get back to her normal self when we got back to AZ.  However, since we’ve been back she seems depressed.  I know, I know, I’m saying my dog is depressed.  I don’t think they offer doggie Zoloft unfortunately.  We take her for walks and play with her, but I think she needs a friend.  Another dog seems like too much to take on, but I think a kitten sounds like a good, wait – brilliant, idea!  First of all, who doesn’t love kittens?  A kitten would most likely adjust better, we could train it (or attempt to), and they are fairly low maintenance. 

Mr. C thinks my idea is nuts (this seems to be a common occurance) and that Coconut is just fine without a friend because she has us.  I guess he thinks we’re awesome or something.  I have to admit there are a few cons to the cat.  I do worry about having people over with a cat since there are people who are highly allergic, and the cat hair and idea of cleaning a litter box aren't exactly my favorite things.

I’m torn.  My mom isn’t even on my side!  But, my blog readers are awesome (mom, you’re still awesome even though you dropped the ball on this one) so I’m asking for your opinion.  Readers, what do I do?  Am I crazy for thinking Coconut is depressed and needs a friend?  Or do you agree that Coconut (and I of course) would be better off with a kitty to love :)  Thanks for your input!

I'm not sure why the picture of Coconut's sad little face is huge.  I totally had no part in it............

Sunday, July 17, 2011

One Year Bloggiversarry!!!

I’ve been terrible at remembering special occasions this year.  I’ve forgotten a few birthdays, anniversaries, and sent out some late cards.  I even forgot my own blogiversarry!  A little over one year ago on July 12th I officially became a blogger, first writing about my terrible encounter with spray tanning.  The experience was worth it in the end because it gave me the push I needed to start blogging.  I began a blog after some minimal setup frustration and a lot of work on the name.  I wasn’t sure what I’d write about but apparently I figured it out since I’ve now published 61 posts.

I’ve always loved writing and it’s been a great way to help me sort out the busyness of my brain at times.  Journaling was a passion and I’m glad to have so many wonderful memories written out, although at times it seemed that I’d write forever.  Blogging was a whole ‘nother level though.  I assumed my mother was biased didn’t think anyone would care about my daily life happenings so I was on the fence about blogging.  I didn’t want to do it because everyone was doing it, and I didn’t want to be posting if no one would be reading.  I’d rather talk to a wall in that case.

I usually write a post and read it the next day before posting.  It’s easier to catch errors and I’m not always happy with the first draft.  Somedays I can get the general idea out but it’s not ‘til the next that I can make the writing flow (or attempt to).  There have been a few posts that make me laugh out loud the second time I’ve read them and every now and then I’m impressed with myself!

I’m shocked to hear how many people actually read this, and it means so much to me that they do.  My aunts, grandmother, and many friends are regulars (although I think my mother is still my biggest fan). I thought the reading might decline in time but my stats are up and my readers are still loyal.  I love hearing that someone new (or someone I didn’t know about) is reading and it still amazes me that my words are being read, as random as they may be. 

I hope over the year I’ve made you smile, laugh, appreciate the people in your own life, and kept you generally entertained. I plan to exceed 60 posts this year (the amount posted within the past year) and I have some plans for revamping the blog a bit.  I’m still working on the becoming famous part and living off my blog while making millions (not holding my breath), but for now I’m perfectly content with my loyal readers and my very random posts.  Thank you so much for being a part of my life, it means more than I could ever write :)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

No Regrets

I’m happy to say that I’m not a person who lives with many regrets.  I’m pretty happy with my life choices, even though some things haven’t turned out exactly according to plan.  Others, however, turned out even better than I could have imagined.  I know that there’s a bigger plan and I’m okay with that most of the time. 

The Denver debacle has put a little damper on my no regrets policy at times.  I don’t really “regret” the decision since I know it was what was best for us, especially considering the current shakey economy, however sometimes I wish I could see what my life would have been had we taken that path instead of the one we chose.  If we could compare the consequences of our choices by actually seeing them play out life would be so much easier.  I suppose it may take the fun out of life though as well, sort of like opening a gift before Christmas.

Driving through Denver was strange.  It was about 2am, the city was beautiful and the freeways were empty.  Mr. C slept while I drove through the city, leaving me to think out loud without needed to be answered.  It felt familiar, a little like home, but so far away at the same time.  It was strange to think that had we decided differently, we would have been living there, probably in a tiny apartment somewhere north of the city.   I’d be at a new job with new co-workers I’d be getting to know.  We would have learned the freeways by now, or at least Mr. C would have.  We would have found a new favorite restaurant and our favorite shopping spots.  We’d be enjoying the cool air at night and the green that seems to be everywhere.  We’d be closer to some family and farther from others.

Since we made our decision, what has happened is that we moved into a bigger place, one that feels even more like home.  It’s amazing because I didn’t think that was possible.  We’ve made a couple new friends.  We’ve spent more time with Mr. C’s family and we’ve appreciated the extra help they’ve been willing to give the past month or so as we got settled into our new place.  We’ve saved some money (not moving across the country will do that) and planned a long-term vacation.  I’ve stopped wondering where I’ll be in a few months and have been enjoying where I am now, the wonderful friends I have here, and taking life as it comes.  But, there’s still that little voice in the back of my mind, wondering what could have been had we decided to go for it right then, throwing all caution to the wind.

Denver will always hold a place in my heart, and I believe that we’ll be there someday, someday when the choice is right for us financially, career-wise, and family-wise. I’ve always been one to do what I can to reach my goals, usually being successful at least when they really matter, but sometimes wishing in the end that I would have thought it through a little more or taken a different path to reach the same end result.  I still want my kids to grow up chasing lightning bugs, seeing squirrels (not sure what it is with me and squirrels), playing in the snow, enjoying a summer night, and shooting off the fireworks I grew up with.  Someday I know we’ll move on, but for now I’ll do my best to not think “what-ifs” and enjoy what I have – making dinner for Mr. C’s family and playing games after, spending quality time with my parents during their frequent visits, summers that are perfect around a pool, and sitting outside enjoying the cool air in December.  For now, my heart will still feel a tug when we drive through Denver or when I hear a familiar song that reminds me of the debacle only weeks ago, but I’m remembering the heartbreak I also felt when I thought of the possibility of leaving so much I loved behind.  For now I’ll enjoy that, remember no regrets, and look forward to all the future has in store for us.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


This past weekend we packed up the car for a 22 hour drive to Nebraska to see some of my family and friends and some relaxation.  We always drive straight through and people seem to think we’re nuts.  Although I can’t always disagree that we’re nuts, in this instance I do :)  I LOVE road trips, especially those with Mr. C because I’m finally to the point where I’m comfortable singing (i.e. yelling) at the top of my lungs in front of him (I figure by this point he’s not going anywhere) .  He can actually sleep through my singing/blasting music now too which is an extra plus!   There’s something exciting about inputting the destination into the TomTom and seeing a ridiculous amount of miles and the destination time of a day later.  The time goes surprisingly fast though and we seem to make a great team.  Plus, we always have some weird encounters and that keeps things lively.  Last time we saw a van spray painted with a kangaroo and the words “honk if you’re horny” painted on the back.  The side was a little classier and said “get in my pouch”.  Now that’s just not something you see everyday.

No road trip is complete without pull-and-peel licorice, Mt. Dew, and Burger King for breakfast.  In case you hadn’t figured it out, any diets or attempt at eating healthy go out the window during road trips.  Add to this my very diversely loaded-up IPOD and we’re set.  My playlists typically are all over the place, going something like this: hard rock song, followed by a pop song, followed by some Frank Sinatra, followed by Eminem, followed by a Christian song, followed by a country song, and then randomly followed by one of my millions of Christmas songs.   It keeps things unpredictable at least.   No matter how hard I try, I always stay up the night before creating a new playlist with my new favs, however there are a few staples that are REQUIRED to make a road trip a road trip.  Otherwise it’s just a trip in the car.  Here are a few of our staples, sung best with the radio at full blast around midnight.

White and Nerdy – Weird Al­
Jeremiah was a Bullfrog – Creedence Clearwater
Indian Outlaw – Tim McGraw
Barbie Girl- Aqua
And at least one version of Carol of the Bells played all the way through, regardless of what time of year it is.  Since I have about 10 versions this isn’t too difficult.

There’s just something about these songs that makes them awesome and timeless…. they’re actually quite weird now that I think about it though….  There are others, but these top our list every time.

I have significant issues listening to a song the whole way through.  Somehow Mr. C has learned to no longer be annoyed with this, either that or he just stops telling me how much it drives him crazy.  At this point he just lets me run the show in the way of music.  I think he’s finally realized that my musical tastes are just awesome….or something like that.

We’ve driven from AZ to NE straight through plenty of times and we’ve finally got this road trip thing down to a science.  This includes me usually driving between 12am-4am or so while Mr. C catches up on sleep before we swap.  I think it’s the most fun time to drive, mostly because no one can see me belting out the music while dancing along.  That’s not to say that it doesn’t get a little rough at times, but there’s something about it that makes it all worth it.  I also get some super unflattering pictures of Mr. C during this time when he’s passed out, however I’m apparently not allowed to post them on here.  Although I enjoy the night driving, sunrise is my favorite part of the drive.  I’m not up to see sunrise often and I often forget just how beautiful it can be.  When I begin to see that first glimpse of light in the sky I also know that the most difficult part of driving is over.

The drive to NE went very well and we even stuck to a schedule.  Coconut did well, neither of us fell asleep, and we never missed a turn.  We even hit rain 5-6 times and saw a few rainbows.  There’s still something amazing to me about hopping in the car after leaving work early Friday afternoon and arriving in another state, which seems like another world, a day or so later.  When it’s time to go back I’ll be ready for another road trip.  It may be long, but it’s a great time to unwind, enjoy the beauty of nature, and spend some quality time with Mr. C. , especially since he’s basically forced to listen to me for almost a full day :)