Monday, March 19, 2012

Some Old and Some New

I don’t know about you, but I think this weekend went way too fast! 

Saturday was my shopping day and I made out like a bandit!  Mr. C, my mother-in-law (MIL), and I started our day off at Sweet Salvage.  Sweet Salvage is this amazing hidden treasure in Phoenix.   They are open for four days a month and have unique antique-y type things.   I say antique-y type because they seem to have some new stuff too.  There’s a different theme every month which makes it more exciting and means the merchandise is always changing.  The location is set up in such a way that makes me think of an I-SPY book – everywhere you look there’s something intriguing that catches your eye.  This month’s theme was urban renewal.  They had old lawnmowers, silver trays, old letters, beautiful chandeliers, and this amazing piece I ended up buying.

My grandma has something very similar to this inside her front door.  It’s filled with small cutout pictures and random little items that you’d never notice anywhere else.  The helpful Sweet Salvagers explained to us that the item had actually been a drawer for an old printing press.  Each little cubby was designed to hold individual letters.  I have a thing for writing and literature and all that so that little tidbit of info made me want the printer’s drawer even more.  Mr. C argued that it wouldn’t fit anywhere in our house because our home is contemporary and the style of that was…well, old.  I of course told him that I could MAKE a place for it!  Lucky for me, my MIL chimed in here and started talking about how fun it would be to find things to fill up all those little cubbies.   It only took a minute of that to convince me!  Mr. C wasn’t thrilled but reluctantly carried it up front so we could pay a bargain $32 for it!  I have some placement ideas and although I can tell he’s not convinced yet, I’ll work on him :)

We stopped for lunch at America’s Taco Shop which had the most amazing carne asada and an orange Fanta.  AMAZING!  My friend told me about this place but it took years for me to try it.  If you live in Phoenix I greatly suggest checking this place out!   I failed to snap a picture because I was dying of hunger at the time, but I did get a picture at our next location.


Just to clarify, Mr. C and my MIL are NOT holding hands, although it does appear that way….  My MIL had never been to IKEA before and we told her she was in for a treat.  I can’t remember the last time I was there, maybe 4 years ago?    I don’t think it’s the place to buy everything because at some point you have to look at quality vs. price, but I still think you can get some amazing things there.  I especially love the vignettes that area always inspiring.  I went to IKEA specifically to find a picture frame for this amazing print I ordered to be the center of our new kitchen gallery wall (stay tuned!) and came out with this:

That apple corer was $2.99!  Where else are you going to find an apple corer WITH a “lid” for $2.99????  I’ll tell you – nowhere!  Obviously I had fun, and I’m very happy with my purchases.

Those silver tins and the bar next to them are going to get a special place in the kitchen one of these weekends…more on that soon though….

I hope you enjoyed your weekend as well!

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