Tuesday, July 21, 2015

My Breakup With Sugar

For the past couple of months Mr. C and I have been avoiding all added sugars and refined grains.  We both had done some research about going sugar free, were concerned with the large amount of sugar in the typical American diet, and we were excited to try living sugar free as an experiment. 

The beginning wasn’t easy but it wasn’t a horrible as I thought it would be.  The hardest part was learning where added sugar/sweeteners were lurking.   We both went through sugar withdrawal symptoms.  The worst were the headaches that hit us every single morning for over a week and the fatigue that made me want to sleep as soon as I got home.  This quickly subsided though and after that we’d instead be hit each week with new benefits.  Over the past couple years we’ve strayed away from eating too many processed foods and we were choosing better grains such as sprouted bread over regular wheat.  That was so helpful because we were just adding onto the changes we’d already made. 

Over the past couple of months we’ve seen so many benefits from our choices.  We’re sleeping better and less moody.  I don’t experience that mid-afternoon slump I’d experienced so often.  We’ve seen a slight improvement in our skin.  We’ve both lost inches and pounds although that was never our reason for doing this.  We’ve tried new foods and unrefined grains I’ve never heard of and our cravings for refined sweets have mostly disappeared.  We can both turn down a doughnut or a slice of cake without thinking about it too much; the truth is that it doesn’t even sound good anymore.

In this process we’ve discovered new recipes we love and continued with some we’ve been making for quite awhile.  Below are a few of my favorite snack things to eat since we’ve made the changes.

  • Sprouted whole grain bread with mashed avocado and a sprinkle of salt and pepper
  •  Roasted, unsalted nuts, especially cashews.
  • The Dark Chocolate Lover’s Chocolate Bar from Trader Joe’s.
  • Iced Blushberry Black Tazo Tea
  • Air popped popcorn with a bit of butter and salt.  You may think that popcorn is popcorn, but we recently bought organic white popcorn from Sprouts and it’s the best popcorn I’ve ever had.  It’s super light and fluffy. 

Going added sugar and refined grain free probably isn’t for everyone but I’m so happy that we committed.  We decided to join an online class we’d read rave reviews about and I’m so glad we did; it provided us with a community of supporters, access to hundreds of recipes (my favorite part!), and a daily lesson that was invaluable.  I struggled with the idea of paying for the course in the beginning, but after I had signed up for the course I got an email that compared the price of the course to other typical things people spend money on and that really stuck with me.  Looking back now, I have no regrets and it was money well spent to not have to dedicate my own time to finding recipes and researching everything that was shared during the course.  Throughout the course there are check-ins and Jacqueline herself responded to each and every single one.   If you’re interested yourself, I’d love to talk to you – just reach out to me – or you can find more info online here. 

Monday, July 6, 2015

Portabella Pizza Caps

This summer has been flying by!  I’m not a summer fan but this one has actually been my favorite so far.  We’ve spent lots of time with family and even had a couple of friends visit.  I’ve been cooking lots of new recipes this summer and these mushroom pizzas have made quite a few appearances.  They’re so easy to throw together, don’t require time slaving over the stove, and they’re full of fresh veggies! 

This barely even requires a recipe but here you go.

1-1.5 large portabella mushrooms per person
1 Tb. pizza sauce per mushroom
Pizza toppings – I use chopped pepperoni, red onions, bell pepper, green and black olives, and banana peppers.
Shredded Cheese – I gravitate towards a combo of a smoked cheese and mozzarella
Italian seasoning and red pepper flakes to taste.

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees and lightly grease a cooking sheet or casserole dish.

Remove the stems from the mushrooms and scrape out the dark gills using a spoon or melon baller (you could keep the stems and gills for future use in soups).

Spread about 1 Tb. of sauce in each mushroom.  Add desired toppings and cheese.  Top with a few sprinkles of Italian seasoning and crushed red pepper flakes.

Bake for 12-15 minutes or until cheese is melted.
