Sunday, April 13, 2014

Easter Greenery

Easter is right around the corner and this year I thought I’d do something a little different to decorate.  Instead of buying the icky store basket filler, I decided to grow some of my own grass in baskets to decorate our entryway and use for Easter.   It took a little less than a week for the grass to fill in and get to the right height, so now would be the perfect time to make your own beautiful basket of grass to give as a gift or use as a centerpiece next weekend.

I received a few texts this morning of the snow covered ground in Nebraska, so I’m not sure if the people there will have as much luck, but if you live somewhere where the temperatures coincide with what April should be like and actually have a bit of sunshine, then I hope you give this a whirl!

Here’s what you’ll need:
-Sturdy Easter basket or pail
-Trash bag or plastic grocery bags
-Rocks for filler
-Potting soil
-Grass seed
-Easter eggs

You’ll want to begin by lining the baskets with plastic.  I cut liners out of a large clear plastic bag.  I love the baskets I used, however they did fade a bit out in the sun so keep that in mind when choosing your baskets.

Fill with potting soil and sprinkle seed on top.  I may have gone a bit um....overboard with the seed, but I knew I wanted VERY thick grass.

Give it a good watering and place in a sunny place.  You’ll want to keep the topsoil fairly moist so the grass sprouts.  I watered mine a couple times a day until I had good growth and then cut back to every few days as needed.

I found the sparkly eggs at Target at $5 for the pack and the bunny came from Home Goods.

Here’s a few pics of the candle holders I repurposed around our home with some natural filler and speckled eggs.