Tuesday, March 13, 2012

March Madness

Hello?  I’m not sure if you remember me?   I used to blog here but I’ve been a horrible blogger lately.  I’ve been falling apart (physically, not emotionally or mentally) and all over the place with organizing, crafting, cooking, doing some fun things around phoenix as well as spending some quality time on the couch with Mr. C and the TV.  I have a bunch of posts in store for you – something crafty, a bit of organization, something that actually required a trip to Home Depot, and a foodie post to name a few.  I’m sorry to say that the main reason I haven’t posted these amazing sounding posts is because I needed to actually plug in the camera, load the photos, and then put them into the blog post.  I know there’s a word for why I haven’t done that….  Oh, it’s lazy.  Anyhow I have really missed posting and am renewing my blogging vows today to post regularly (If you didn’t know about blogging vows, they are very serious).
To tide you over until I can get those photos uploaded later this week, today I’m sharing what I’ve been mad about in March (mad as in crazy in love with, not mad/upset of course!) AND you even get pictures!
Wicked!  I’ve never been to a musical before but I’ve always wanted to go to Wicked!  We bought our tickets months ago when I heard Wicked was coming to town and one Wednesday night we drove out to Tempe for the show.  It was amazing!  I hear the book is better but I never read it so I REALLY didn’t know what to expect.  For those of you who may not know, the show is sort of a prequel to “The Wizard of Oz” and explains how the Wicked Witch came to be “wicked” as well as the back story behind the Good Witch, Tinman, Lion, and Scarecrow.  “The Wizard of Oz” has always held a special place in my heart and Wicked fit right in there next to it.  I definitely recommend it and for the record I’m not usually one for people bursting into song.  Mr. C didn’t even fall asleep!  This was also #56 on my 101 list so woohoo for crossing things off lists!

Jen Lancaster.  For those of you who haven’t heard of her, Jen Lancaster is an amazing author and one of my favorites.  I found her first book in a bookstore one day and took a picture to remind myself to download it.  Months later I finally did and couldn’t put it down.  She’s sarcastic, hilarious, easy to relate to, and doesn’t care what anyone else thinks (in a good way).  If you’re looking for a good read I highly recommend, Bitter is the New Black.   Not to spoil it for you, but Jen started a blog as an outlet for her frustrations/boredom and that eventually led to her book deals and where she is now.  It’s so inspiring to hear about “normal” people who have become so successful.  Her book and blog actually pushed me to start my own blog.
What does this have to do with March?  Well, Jen’s newest book was released in paperback and lucky for me and a bunch of other excited phoenix readers, Jen came to Phoenix for a book signing.  She was in person just what I would have imagined.  She made us laugh during the Q & A session, read a passage from her new book due out May 1st , and happily chatted with us even as she signed her name a million times and smiled for all the pictures.  I proudly walked away with a couple signed books and a photo of us.  I’ve now preordered the next book and am eagerly awaiting its arrival in my mailbox! 

I’m not the biggest fan of springtime because spring means that summer is coming and summer in AZ is what I imagine Hell to feel like.  Seriously, I think it’s that bad.  While everyone else is enjoying Spring I’m usually clinging to the last bit of winter – wearing scarfs and shoes while Mr. C is in a t-shirt and sandals and I become upset when my weather app shows anything above 75 degrees.  This spring however I am enjoying the blooming flowers, the sounds of the birds in the morning, waking up to a room glowing with the morning light, and the bright colors.  I still know that summer is coming and I’m dreading it, but for now I’ll enjoy spring and all that has to offer.

What are you mad about in March?


  1. I've missed your blogs and was well aware that it had been awhile since you wrote. Thanks for
    writing and posting another. Really enjoyed he pictures as well and am looking forward to another of your blogs soon.
