Tuesday, December 30, 2014

My 2014 in Review

It’s that time again where we reflect on the past year.  Radio stations play the top songs from the year.  Businesses compile lists of their best selling products, and iTunes has a tally of their top selling books.  Instead of my usual blog form posting about my year I decided to jump on the bandwagon and make my own list.  This year has had its rough patches but I’m focusing on a few of my favorite good things for this.

5. Mr. C starting his internship for his Master’s in principalship - It’s not mine but I’m counting it anyhow!

4. Branching out in my exercising routine and enjoying it (seriously)

3. Joining Jamberry and promoting twice in one month to become a senior consultant!

2. Spending time with family we went to Nebraska twice, visited family in Denver, and had some visitors of our own throughout the year.

1. Starting an amazing new job as an academic advisor!

I hope 2015 has great things in store!  Thank you for being a part of my 2014.