Wednesday, October 30, 2013

October '13 Loves of the Month

It’s the end of the month again which means it’s time for my loves of the month.  I have a few for you this month.

I found this stapler on Anthropologie and I think it’s the cutest thing ever.  Apparently the staples are smaller than the norm, but easy to find.  I love it, and I don't even like bugs!

Minted - After stumbling upon this site I started seeing it EVERYWHERE!  That might be slightly due to the fact that google tracks where I’ve been and seems to just suggest that I go back to the same place, but maybe it's also a sign that the site is amazing?  You can find unique prints, holiday cards, and even party décor.  I'm really excited that everything is designed by independent designers trying to build their career and get exposure.  I’ve already fallen in love with numerous prints, however I’m going to need to find some open wall space to put them.

Etsy - I’ve recently learned that not everyone knows about Etsy and I'm on a mission to correct that.  Etsy’s is a marketplace that allows people to start their own shops to sell handmade and vintage items.  Over the past few years I have purchased quite a few things from Etsy, some for gifts and some for myself.  I almost always prefer supporting an individual/family business rather than a big company so if I’m looking for a unique gift I always start here and I’m constantly surprised at what I find.  I’ve bought a lot of random things on here, from Coconut’s collar to our reusable produce bags (I get tons of compliments!)  to prints for our gallery wall.  Every seller/shop is different but because you’re buying from a real person, I’ve always had great customer service and the products are very good quality with a bit of handmade flare.  With Christmas coming up it's definitely a great site to check out.

Lastly, I'm loving the Pure Heroine album by Lorde.  I downloaded the album last week and I've been listening to it like crazy.  Her voice is amazing and the lyrics are unexpected from a 16 year old girl.   If I can put an album on and listen to it without skipping songs then it's usually at the top of my list and this album is one of those.

I'm also currently in love with the weather in AZ, but I can't really share that with you.  It's finally cool here and we were so very happy to celebrate the official hibernation of the A/C for the winter!

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