Friday, July 22, 2011

My Puppy needs a friend

As I’ve mentioned before, we’ve somehow become those crazy dog people who have a million toys for their dog, dress her up for Halloween, buy her Christmas gifts for her stocking, believe that she truly understands what we’re saying when we talk to her, and basically think that we couldn’t survive without her.   We may have even been known to cover her up with her own blanket on cold nights.   We live in Arizona so it’s important to remember that it’s not the arctic here.  Basically my point is that we have a very spoiled, but very happy dog who we like to think is fairly well behaved. 

My parents have 2 cats and while they (the cats, not my parents) didn’t exactly love Coconut (i.e. they couldn’t stand her), she still had fun with them.  She mostly chased the newest one around because he was scared of her and she mistook his running away for wanting to play.  She always gets a little sad once guests leave or when we come home from being out of town with her, so it was to be expected that it’d take a couple of days for her to get back to her normal self when we got back to AZ.  However, since we’ve been back she seems depressed.  I know, I know, I’m saying my dog is depressed.  I don’t think they offer doggie Zoloft unfortunately.  We take her for walks and play with her, but I think she needs a friend.  Another dog seems like too much to take on, but I think a kitten sounds like a good, wait – brilliant, idea!  First of all, who doesn’t love kittens?  A kitten would most likely adjust better, we could train it (or attempt to), and they are fairly low maintenance. 

Mr. C thinks my idea is nuts (this seems to be a common occurance) and that Coconut is just fine without a friend because she has us.  I guess he thinks we’re awesome or something.  I have to admit there are a few cons to the cat.  I do worry about having people over with a cat since there are people who are highly allergic, and the cat hair and idea of cleaning a litter box aren't exactly my favorite things.

I’m torn.  My mom isn’t even on my side!  But, my blog readers are awesome (mom, you’re still awesome even though you dropped the ball on this one) so I’m asking for your opinion.  Readers, what do I do?  Am I crazy for thinking Coconut is depressed and needs a friend?  Or do you agree that Coconut (and I of course) would be better off with a kitty to love :)  Thanks for your input!

I'm not sure why the picture of Coconut's sad little face is huge.  I totally had no part in it............

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