Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Science Center is NOT just for nerds!

While we were taking the S’s to the airport Monday night, our next set of guests arrived!  My aunt and her 2 grandsons came to stay with us for a few days.  We hadn’t actually seen them since our wedding over three years ago so it was a great surprise that they were able to visit.  Coconut loves kids and was excited too but she looked pretty worn out after playing with the kids all day!  I worked Monday while Mr. C entertained our guests a little bit, but mostly they entertained themselves.  I think they were about the easiest guests we’ve ever had actually! 

I only worked a half-day on Wednesday so we could all spend the afternoon together.  The gang picked me up from work and we headed out for some delicious pizza.  Getting off in the middle of the day is awesome in itself and adding a great lunch of pizza to that just topped the day off!  Might not have been the healthiest choice but it's not like I ate a whole pizza!

Mr. C LOVES the science center but a lot of the exhibits were broken the first time we went.  With the boys here, we thought it would be a fun place to go.  As an added bonus, we were excited to learn that one of the boys especially loves science.  Unfortunately we didn’t really think about the fact that everyone else was taking advantage of spring break and exploring Phoenix’s sights as well so there were a few more people at the Science Center than we had planned.  Even with the crowds we had a wonderful time though and I think we all learned something!  Plus, we got to play around all day and that’s just always fun.

There were a few highlights of the trip and I actually have pictures of most of these!  First up - the planetarium.  I always learn something new and it’s just cool!  Mr. C pretty much always falls asleep during this part and he didn’t break his routine this time.  He probably needed a few minutes of shut-eye though.  There was this little boy during our planetarium show that kept asking (yelling) questions and it would have been annoying but he was just soooo cute!  He was entertaining enough alone to make the planetarium great though!

Mr. C coming out of the slide that made farting sounds...it took a lot of work to talk him into this!

Next would be the exhibit in the body section of the center that looks like a huge nose.  You throw these spongy balls in the nose and it eventually sneezes on you.  That is by far my favorite exhibit in the whole place!  I know sneezing on doesn't SOUND fun, but it really is!  My aunt and I laughed like little girls when it sneezed the balls (buggers) all over.  Mr. C and I need to get one of those for our house!

I'm not sure if this last one was interesting or just weird but we all tried lying on a bed of nails.  It felt….well, weird, but not painful. 

We spent a large majority of our time in this room.  There was a tug-of-war thing going on but the ropes were at two different heights so one side was almost always guaranteed the win.  When we got there, there were 2 little girls competing against a few boys and the girls won.  The girls had no idea it wasn't an even fight, and thought they were so amazing.  Of course we weren't about to burst their bubble.  At points there were kids against adults and it got very serious and competitive!  Mr. C got in there a few times, usually on the side that was slated to lose.  I think he's a sucker for the underdogs.

We finished the day out with a game of Clue which I LOVE but NEVER win!  Per my usual, I lost but it was still fun!  All around we had a great time though and we were pretty lucky to get to spend our spring break with so many people!  Thursday morning our guests continued on their way and that evening Mr. C and I worked super hard at vegging out on the couch.   I can't remember the last time I was so unproductive, but it felt sooooo good! 

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