Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Popeye has spinach, Superman has the sun, Ironman has his suit, and I have Mt. Dew. When I drink Mt. Dew it's like I'm Superwoman. I can get an insane amount of tasks done. I'm awake, happy, and productive. It's amazing! Let me give you an example:

Night without my magical Mt. Dew:
Take a leasurely drive home with the idea of making dinner once I get there. Walk in, change clothes, kiss Mr.C and play with Coconut (our super cute puppy) for a few mins. Decide that dinner sounds super challenging and decide to pick something up. Argue about where to get food from. Get food. Eat. Think about doing things but in the end, really just watch TV until it's time to go to bed.
Night with my magical Mt. Dew:
Drive home while singing at the top of my lungs and talking to drivers around me (they can't hear me of course). Announce I'm home, kiss Mr.C and chase Coconut around for awhile. Prepare a delicious dinner. Eat said dinner. Clean up. Make lunches for the next day. Cut up fruit for smoothies the next morning. Clean the bathrooms, kitchen, and living room. Cut Mr. C's hair. Work on random stuff for a couple hours. Watch a little TV because I'm still SUPER awake. Go to bed at midnight. Wake up and realize I need my magical Mt. Dew to get me through the next day. Repeat.
I go through soda phases where I won't drink any for awhile and then something happens like the first week of school, finals, a road trip - something that requires superhuman strenth to avoid exhaustion. That's when the Mt. Dew comes in. Because I don't drink it often, the caffeine has this amazing effect on me that turns me into the Superwoman mentioned above.
This past week I was Superwoman. I was sleep deprived, overworked, and beginning to feel the familiar tug of exhaustion. That's when I fell off the no Mt. Dew wagon. As wonderful as it was, Friday was my last day of the wonderful Mt. Dewness. Now I'm going back to normal life. My second semester of grad classes started this week. I'll be working full-time, taking 12 graduate credits, taking care of my house and husband, and now blogging. I figure if I don't give it up now I'll be hooked for the rest of the semester. So, I'm saying good-bye to my superhuman powers for awhile. See you around finals time!
So, what give you your superpowers?  If anyone says "love" I'm going to barf.


  1. Venti Iced coffee with whole milk, sweetner, and 2 EXTRA shots of expresso...Hecks yes honey!! LoL Please tell me how the 12 graduate courses this semster works out for you! I'm glad I'm not the only one who is willing to take this on! LoL

  2. Large sugar-free iced coffee from McDonalds. Not as glamorous as Reggie's but it is fast and there isn't a huge line :)

  3. Wow Reggie, you're pretty serious about that stuff! The 12 grad classes went ok last semester although I was pretty stressed through some of it. I'm guessing you're full time too? What are you working on? Hopefully your crazy venti iced coffee can help you through the semester!

  4. Patrick, what kinda of boost is that????

    But yes, that drink was my save all taking 18 credit hours and working 40 hours in my undergrad :) LoL I don't do it often, only on the serious days....I'm not going to be full time grad until next spring, I'm so nervous about it though. Hopefully I will be with the MED program over at NAU....

  5. I have to agree Patrick - the sugar free thing makes it sound a little lame :)

    Wow, I didn't know you were doing 18 hrs! I'm actually doing the M.Ed program through NAU and although some of the classes take a lot of time, I'm sure you'll be fine if you did 18/40 before. The professors are pretty great too...well most of them :)
