Monday, September 27, 2010


I go through a lot of phases for everything imaginable.  I have phases for food, working out, TV, sleeping, hobbies, and a bunch of other random stuff I just can’t think of at this exact moment.   My favorite (and Mr. C’s least fav) phases are my word phases.  I like to modify/make up words (as you may have noticed on here).   I’m hoping that if enough people read my blog and my made up words, my words will soon take over the world and then I’ll eventually be able to publish them in Centner’s Dictionary (similar to Webster’s Dictionary).   Actually, one of my wonderful friends (and her son) also makes up words so the dictionary name should probably be modified to include her name as well.  Then we will both make tons of money and quit our jobs and live off the revenue from our world renowned dictionary.  Ok, maybe I’m being a little hopeful.  In any case, the point is that I love modifying words and get stuck on certain phrases.  I use them until I simply get sick of them, realize they are dumb, or someone is threatening me to stop.  In college, I had a period where I added “and a half” to everything.  I think of my friends said it first and it I loved it.  Example:  I can’t wait!  I’m excited and a half!”  “This blog is awesome and a half!”  You can probably see how this would get annoying over time.  Annoying and a half actually.  Now that I’m writing this I do see how dumb this really was... luckily that phase passed….  Then I had a phase where I said I was confused when I just didn’t know what I wanted.  I wasn’t confused per se but it was just easier.  Example:  “I don’t know what I want for dinner, I’m confused.”   “Which bag do you like best?  I’m confused.”  This drove Mr. C crazy as well.  Apparently I’m good at that!  My newest thing has been adding “ish” to words.  Example: “It’s coldish in here”.    After hearing “ish” used with times so often (“meet you around 5ish”), I guess it just grew on me and I’ve been using it in new contexts.  In the writing of this post, I also realized that I add “ness” to words also.  I even have a category for my posts entitled “randomness”. 
 I once was going to teach high school English.  After reading this post you may be grateful that I am not.  However, if I had taught high school English, I could have taught the kids my words and they could have helped me in my plan to make them known worldwide, therefore contributing to the need for the Centner Dictionary.  Too bad that didn’t work out.
This next part really has nothing to do with the first section of this post, other than that I used an “ish” word at one point in the story, found it mildly entertaining, and therefore decided to share this story with you, random as it may be. 
I’m sure you’ve received an email about the People of Wal-Mart at one point.  As much as I LOVE those emails (If you’re not smiling by the end of them, then there is something seriously wrong with you), I do not love Wal-Mart.  I know that Wal-Mart has some great deals but I just can’t get into it.  It’s huge, overwhelming, and sooooo busy.  I’ve always been a Target girl.  I love the wide aisles, clean white décor, and peaceful shopping (unless there is a tantrum throwing kid but then I’m just entertained so it’s ok).   I go to Wal-Mart maybe five times a year.  The majority of those trips are around Christmas because my father loves Wal-Mart and so I sacrifice going so I can get him a gift card.  I’m not really sure why this elicits more than one trip, but somehow we seem to go numerous times around the holidays.  The remainder of the times are to look for something I know I can only find there or to get something I know is cheaper there.  Usually there has to be substantial savings to justify parking, walking a mile from my car to the store, wandering through the store to find my item, and then waiting in line forever to pay.  Anyhow, this weekend I needed to get something there.  We were out running errands and had a couple of locations to choose from so we were discussing which one would be best.
Me: Ugh, I have to go to Wal-Mart for something.
Mr. C: Ok, which one do you want to go to?  (We have about three fairly close to us)
Me: How about the one at location #1?  Location #2 is always so busy and location #3 is too ghettoish (meaning not completely ghetto but not somewhere I’d really hang out alone at night). 
Mr. C: Location #3 is too ghetto?  So you’re saying you’d like to go to location #1?
Me: Right.
Mr. C. : Okayyyy….so instead of going to the “ghetto” location we’ll just go to the one where someone was shot.  That’s way better (said with sarcasm).
Me: Right, but it’s not ghetto. (wink)

We did go to location #1, where someone was shot (although that was years ago!).  Of course we were fine and I made it through another Wal-Mart adventure.
Have I mentioned yet that my logic isn’t always easily understood?


  1. If I remember the area in which you live, I dare you to venture to the Wal-Mart on 75th ave and McDowell :) LOL

  2. If I'm feeling brave I'll try venturing to that Wal-Mart :) LOL
