Wednesday, December 28, 2011


I’ve never been big on New Year’s resolutions or waiting for a new year to start something.  I think if you’re going to make a resolution to change something there’s no reason to wait for a new year or even a new week.  I was super unmotivated the past few months and unfortunately I didn’t devote much time to myself.   Somehow I found my motivation (not sure where it was hiding?) and I’ve been doing things lately that I wanted to for awhile.  They sound little, but to me they are big because I’ve put them off for so long!

I feel like 2012 is going to be amazing.  I hope/think there are some exciting changes coming soon and  I’m excited about so many things.  I’m not waiting to make changes, but I am using the new year to recommit myself to these changes.  That sounds just like the whole new year’s resolutions thing I was just complaining about huh?  Without further ado, here’s what’s on my agenda starting last week, yesterday, and right now to be continued into the new year:

· Focus on being healthy.  When I eat healthy I feel better and I look better.  When I work out I feel better and I look better.  I’ve found TONS of amazing sites on Pinterest with healthy recipes I can’t wait to try out.  An added bonus – eating healthy at home means my wallet actually gets a bit fatter.  I do want to lose weight, but my focus is just not on the weight, it’s on being healthy.  I think people get too easily sucked into “diets” that promise a quick fix, but they don’t learn anything.  I’m aiming for healthy, which in turn should lead to this but in a realistic and maintainable way.  I’ve already written out a huge list of recipes to try out after we get back from our Christmas vacay and I’ve been working on my cookbook binder which I’ll share with you soon.
· Get REALLY organized.  I’m pretty darn organized in general, but we all have those closets, rooms, drawers, etc. that are anything but.  I spend too much time sorting through papers, picking up little things laying around the house, and spending time on things that aren’t that important.  I recently took a trip to The Container Store and stocked up on some unique things to do just that.  I’ve started this on a smaller scale….a couple baskets in the entertainment center, a mini closet overhaul, and a pantry reorganization.   I’m always shocked at how much happier I am when I’m done.  I LOVE organizing and I LOVE repurposing and beautifying spaces, however I just didn’t have much time to devote to this for awhile and things have gotten a bit out of control (by my standards anyhow).   Specifically the office needs to be beautified and the file cabinet needs a major overhaul.  The “workout room” is a bit scary and is where all the “I have no idea what to do with this” boxes have accumulated.  If it’s in a box then it’s most likely not that important.  The garage just has all this stuff that needs to be sorted through, reorganized, and some things sold.  The linen closet could use some help.  Little things, but they make a huge difference.
· Spend more time being crafty.  I don’t mean crafty like scheming, but crafty as in creative!  I bought myself a cricut die-cut machine LAST black Friday and I didn’t touch it much last year.  I did use it to make cute gift tags though and it reminded me how amazing this thing is!  I have a bunch of pending projects I can’t wait to finish (or start!) and I’m excited to post them when I’m done.  For me it’s really a matter of having the materials, ideas, and sitting down to actually do them.
· Scrapbook.  This gets its own category because it’s been FOREVER since I’ve actually scrapbooked.  I haven’t done a single thing this year.  That’s just plain horrible!  But I’m going to get out my scrapbook stuff once my office is beautified and go crazy with my craftyness.  That sounds scary when I put it like that but trust me, I’ll be awesome!
· Save more.  Who isn’t looking for ways to save these days?  We’ve found a lot of ways to cut back whether it’s through coupons, more movies at home and less out, eating at home more, cancelling cable, or watching all those random purchases that add up.  I’ve been getting lazy with comparing grocery ads but after Christmas I’m renewing my commitment to being more frugal!  There are so many resources online that it’s just amazing.  Pinterest is giving me great ideas of projects with things I already have.  Coupon sites compile deals for me.  Foodie sites have given me tons of recipes which are much more budget friendly than eating out, not to mention that the ones I keep are usually healthy!
· Devote more time to my faith.  I’ve come a long way in the past year.  The Walk to Emmaus challenged me to start participating in my faith and taking an active role instead of a passive one.  This year I want to do more reading, studying, and devote a little of set aside time to pray.  I can use all the guidance I can get!
· Spend more QUALITY time with Mr. C.  This means more playing games, laughing, checking things off my 101 list, snuggling, watching old movies, doing puzzles, making breakfast, taking day trips, walking together, and playing with our two furballs and less time making sure the house is clean or the other million practical things that can sometimes take over our lives.

This year I’m focusing on what really matters – my health, my family, the friends that make life worthwhile, my faith, and my life being in order (as much as possible anyhow!).

What are your resolutions for now, tomorrow, or beginning the new year?

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