Friday, November 5, 2010

Halloween and the Scary Scarecrow

Halloween has never been one of my favorite holidays because it’s scary and I HATE being scared.  Over the past few years I have begun to enjoy the day more though.  I think part of this is because we hand out candy and I get to see all the cute little kiddies in their costumes.  Another reason is that we’ve begun our own traditions, one of which is pumpkin carving.  Also, I’ve gotten into the decorating more.  The last reason is that I get to see my dog dressed up in a super cute costume.   I wasn’t always someone who imagined dressing her dog up for Halloween.  In the writing of this post, I went off on a huge Coconut (our dog, not the food) tangent so you’ll get that next time and maybe it will help explain how I've become one of "those people".  Anyhow, the only part of that you need to know now is that we dress her up for Halloween and she’s super cute and loves it normally.  She loved her ladybug costume we got the first year but she’s way too big for that now so we bought her a new scarecrow costume.  She wasn’t the biggest fan of the hat this year though and actually removed it!  Here she is in her Halloween dress.  I had to buy the dress incase the costume didn't work out....

We had Mr. C’s mom and Topanga over for dinner which was delicious if I do say so myself.  I made this Santa Fe Soup and had pretty little bowls of fixins for toppings.  I also made mini pigs in a blanket out of crescent rolls and little smokies.  We LOVE those.  I honestly think I could eat those for a month and still not be tired of them.  Topanga showed me how to make salsa in like 10 minutes.  Yes, that is possible.  So we had salsa and chips too.  And for desert I made a yummy apple pie.  The only problem was that we all pigged out on candy later so we weren’t really in the mood for pie.  When I say we all pigged out, I mean that some of us did more than others but I’m putting us all in the pigging out category to make myself feel better.  Either way, not the best night to fix a lot of food.  

Since all four of us were there to hand out candy I figured it would be easier to just sit outside.  Plus, it’s such a pain to keep going to the door and trying to do something in between.  We lit our pumpkins outside, pulled up some chairs, carried our huge buckets of candy out, and enjoyed the weather.  I happen to think we were a pretty awesome house because not only did we have good candy but we also had a dog dressed as a scarecrow.  I honestly don’t know what could top that.  I’m thinking…  Nope, nada.  Nothing tops that.

We had some super cute kids.  My favorite was a little boy dressed as a dinosaur.  His parents were pulling him in a wagon and after he got his candy he climbed back in the wagon and on they went.  We had some kids as cats, a carebear, Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz and I honestly don’t remember much of the rest of the costumes.  We took turns handing out candy which worked pretty well.  Last year I had a minor freak-out because Mr. C was giving away handfuls of candy and we had a TON of kids so I was worried about running out.  This year he didn’t hand out anything until a group of kids pulled up WITHOUT COSTUMES on their bikes.  They opened their backpacks.  Yes, their BACKPACKS and said “trick-or-treat”.  Ok, so I get that they wanted to get in on the candy action.  That’s cool but seriously put on a mask or something!  One kid had made a sort of mask out of his IPOD headphones.  At least that kid took some initiative.  I think he’ll go far in life.  Anyhow, Mr. C gives these kids all big, heaping, man handfuls of candy.  I had another little freak-out this  year because he was giving handfuls to kids who didn’t even bother dressing up but luckily that was short-lived.  We had candy to go around, although SOMEONE seemed rather possessive of the bowl!  I’m just joking, we had tons, and we all got to eat tons.  It was like a candy buffet!  We had two of those green bowls heaping with candy.  HEAPING!

Coconut loved being outside and a lot of kids (and parents) seemed to love her.  There was one kid who was definitely in his teens and scared of her.  Obviously he was scared of dogs in general because as you can see, Coconut was not really very scary.

I hope you all had a wonderful and fun Halloween too, even if you didn’t have a cute little scarecrow puppy!

1 comment:

  1. That one kid wasn't scared of dogs, he was scared of SCARECROWS!
