Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Great Pumpkin Adventure

I’m not sure if I simply find things to write about or if things happen specifically so I can write about them. I think this wonderful story is an example of the latter.

Because I’m anticipating that one day my blog will make me famous and the papparatzi will be all over me, I’m careful to not divulge the actual names of my friends (plus it’s just fun thinking up code names!). I think that’s why anyhow….it could be that they don’t want to publically be associated with me and have somehow caused me to believe that this is my idea… hmmm, that’s one to think about. Anyhow, I digress. My friend has been involved in posts before but I just referred to her as “that girl” or “my friend”. I’ve decided that it’s now time for a proper code name. This morning we were talking about the TV show “Boy Meets World” and how awesome it was and how Topanga was simply the coolest name ever, so from now on “that girl” will be known as Topanga for blogging purposes. Whew, that was long!

Mr, C, Topanga, and I made plans to carve pumpkins on Friday night. I had 2 pumpkins I got with our bountiful basket but we needed one for Topanga. Before carving we had planned to buy candy for Halloween so Topanga and I set out to find a pumpkin and candy. The candy was very easy to find and we bought a lot. When I say a lot I mean A LOT! I didn’t take pictures of the candy alone but I do have one I’ll put in my next post that will give you an idea of the insane amount of chocolate we had. I think it was at least 10 bags…..

Check on the candy, now we just needed a pumpkin. You’d think that finding a pumpkin would be easy, however let me assure you that it isn’t. We started with Wal-Mart location #1 and had no luck. Same story at Wal-Mart location #2. I told her to stop at Sprouts but because of my directionally challangedness, I may have messed up the directions and caused us to drive right by. It was going to take some work to go back so we figured we’d just try the stores by my house. Unfortunately Frys and Safeway were also sold out of pumpkins although they both had huge display areas where the pumpkins had been. It’s like they were rubbing their lack of pumpkins in our face, as if to say that everyone else had one! Our hope was quickly fading but we decided to try Wal-Mart location #3. No such luck there either. We had hit 5 stores and still had no pumpkin.

Luckily Mr. C called Sprouts and was told that amazingly they did have pumpkins. We hopped back in the car and headed over. As we were driving, I realized that the night was a perfect blogging story. I then proceeded to explain to Topanga that they had to have pumpkins at Sprouts because otherwise my story would suck. Who wants to read that we went to 6 stores and at the end of the night were empty handed? No one, that’s who! I explained that we were going to drive to Sprouts and when we arrived, a big, beautiful pumpkin would be waiting. I must have some special powers or something because when we arrived there was a HUGE pumpkin. It was actually a $50 pumpkin so she didn’t get that one but she did find another big (although not as big), beautiful pumpkin of her own! We were super excited, as you can probably see in the picture. We were excited enough to stop in the parking lot long enough to look like idiots so we could take this picture.

Pumpkin carving always SOUNDS fun. Then I get to the part where I have to stick my hand inside the icky pumpkin and it’s not cool anymore. After that it gets back to being fun. Then the carving starts to hurt my hand and I want to give up. But, after getting past that part it’s all good. We watched a movie while we carved and it ended up being pretty fun, even though I had to touch the nasty pumpkin guts. I was even inspired to roast some pumpkin seeds which I had never done before. Roasted pumpkin seeds are AMAZING by the way! In the end, the great pumpkin adventure was SOOOO worth it. Our pumpkins turned out wonderfully. I’m posting a picture of our wonderful creations. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Those are really good pumpkins and really cool pictures. Maybe Topanga should start shopping for her Christmas tree this week!!!
