Thursday, October 7, 2010

#38 and #39

I used to imagine myself sitting at home during the snowy winters, curled up on the couch knitting beautiful scarves.  There are a number of issues with that picture.  First off, I have no idea how to knit.  Second, I live in Phoenix where it never snows.  I guess I could buy some of that snow in a can stuff, cover my windows, and crank up the air conditioner in an attempt to Nebraskaize (yes, I did just make up that amazing word) my house.   
I should actually say that I HAD no idea to knit.  After years of waiting, I have finally learned how to crochet(close enough)!  Since I really only cared about making scarves and things, I’m subbing crocheting for knitting in my 101 in 1001 things.  Right after finding out that my friend would take me shooting, I discovered out that she knew how to crochet also AND was willing to teach me (yes, I know – it was a weird conversation that these two things came up at the same time)!  She grabbed her hook and yarn and by the time I left an hour or two later, I had an idea of what I was doing.  Now, I’m not the most patient person in the world and I’m pretty sure I would have smacked myself if I had been the one teaching myself to knit (this is assuming I’m two people – the teacher and the student) so it's honestly impressive that she was able to teach me.  I’ve been practicing ever since.  Lucky for me, I got a lot of practice because I kept doing things wrong and then I’d have to undo it all and start over.  Well not really lucky for me, but I'm trying to look at this as a glass-half-full thing.  A few times I missed a stitch and the scarf was lopsided.  One time I just completely made up a new method of crocheting which wasn’t really a method at all.  I’m pretty sure I've crocheted the same scarf at least three times now.  It’s not actually done yet because at a certain point I just couldn’t stare at that color anymore.  I finally picked another color and somehow though I managed to complete one!  I’ve actually done three by now (sorry, I’m falling a little behind with my blogging!) and I'm posting some pics for your enjoyment.  It's ok, you don't all need to comment on how wonderful they are :)  If you don’t look too closely they look wonderful!

Scarf #1!

This weekend my mom and I are heading to California for a girls-only trip so you’ll have that next post to look forward to!  She'll be here all week keeping me company while Mr. C is away on a retreat for the weekend.  If you've been reading my posts you'll understand why it's just common knowledge that someone had to come stay with me.  I might be 25 but I'm still terrified of staying alone!

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