Sunday, August 8, 2010

Days of Summer

I am not a procrastinator. I complete my homework early, return work calls right away, and am ready days before our parties. While Mr. C waits until the last minute to do things, I am done, reveling in my sense of accomplishment. I am not a prostinator. Well, at least I thought I wasn't.

With school starting next week I feel like we're at the end of summer (although we'll of course continue with the ridiculous 115 degree weather) I decided I could write about all the things I accomplished this summer. So, I started to think about what I did.

And I kept thinking....



This is hard......

Ok, lets go through my plans/goals.

Making my wedding and honeymoon album. I drug out all my stuff, looked at some pics, decided I needed to order more pics, and left the mess on my desk for the remainder of the summer. Ok, so that didn't go so well.

Ok next.

Making things to sell on Etsy. Well, I also drug out those supplies, sorted through them on the floor, and left them there the remainder of the summer.

Ok, I've got one!

Last week I did some major cleaning and organizing. This consisted of cleaning up the scrapbook supplies mentioned earlier for the wedding and honeymoon album and then cleaning up the supplies I drug out for Etsy.

So....I guess I still don't know what I did this summer.

On the up side, I did add the albums and Etsy thing to my 101 in 1001 list. I'm super excited that I now have another 1001 days to complete these! Score for me!

Ok honestly I did have a great summer, even if it wasn't as productive as expected. I lost some weight, tried some new recipies, went to a family reunion, spent a week at home (Nebraska home), watched fireworks with my family on the 4th of July, stood up in a friend's wedding, caught up with friends, watched lots of TV, improved my rockband skills, spent time with husband, enjoyed three months with no master's homework, and started a blog. While it wasn't exactly the summer I envisioned, it was pretty great. It's nice to have some down time and just be. I'm sure within the next 1001 days I'll get my goals done. If not, there's always another 101 in 1001 list after that!

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