Wednesday, August 25, 2010

#78 and #32

Life has been very crazy lately and I realized that my 1001 days were ticking down and I hadn’t done anything on my list yet! Amidst the busyness of this past month I’ve somehow managed to complete two items on my list!

Apparently puzzles are like magnets. They attract EVERYONE! I love crayons and I love puzzles. What’s better than both? A puzzle of a photo of crayons! Because I like to ramble you now get to hear the super exciting back-story of the crayon puzzle! Woohoo, lucky you! I had been eyeing this puzzle at the mall around Christmas time and my super smart hubby got it for me. I was pretty impressed that he remembered it AND actually went to buy it (if you remember he’s a bit of a procrastinator). The only problem was that we went back to Nebraska for Christmas and he forgot the puzzle in Arizona. He actually forgot a few items. His solution? To create clues for me and wrap those. Pretty creative actually. I tore open the first box to find tissue paper with tiny little crayon pieces/wrappers. Uh, thanks? He then proceeded to tell me it was a clue and stare at me with an excited look of anticipation. I had no idea. Um…you got me a coloring book? No. Uh….a box of real crayons that aren’t broken? No. O wait, I know this! A puzzle! Oh, and I got to keep those crayons too, as an extra bonus. Score! Anyhow, I got home, got the real puzzle, and have been looking forward to doing it for awhile. Since it was 1000 pieces it fit into my list perfectly. So, I’m hoping this still qualifies even though I had help. I didn’t ASK for help and I maintain that I did the most so, I’m going to count it. That’s one down and 100 to go!

Another one of the items on my list was to do something unusual with Mr. Centner at least once a month. By unusual I basically just mean that going to a movie doesn’t count. I’ll tell you all about our movie obsession sometime. I think I’ve rambled about enough in this post so far and I anticipate a little more before I’m done. Mr. C started back to work, began his classes, and I’ve been working extra hours and trying to catch up on stuff before I start classes so we figured we REALLY needed some quality time together. We went to "As You Wish", this wonderful pottery place. You pick your piece, paint it, and then go back a few days later to pick it up. I love doing this and lucky for me, Mr. C seems to have fun too. The only issue is that he picks super detailed pieces and I pick things like vases and bowls so typically I do 2 pieces, clean up, and stare at him for awhile until he’s completed his. I think he may take longer just so I have to clean up but I can’t quite prove that. Anyhow, we went this weekend. I’d love to show you what I made but it’s a gift and since this specific person may read this I’ll have to show you after Christmas. My pieces are pretty awesome if I do say so myself. You’ll just have to take my word on that! But, below is a photo of Mr. C’s dragon (before firing).

We both had fun and had some time to just be together without worrying about what needed to be done or other demands. We’re pretty good about taking time for each other but this month I was grateful that we had to for my wonderful 101 in 1001 list!

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