Wednesday, August 4, 2010

101 in 1001

I love lists. LOVE them! I make grocery lists, to-do lists, honey-do lists, and the list goes on and on. I have about a million post-it pads around the house for the moment I decide to create another list. Lists = organization which is also in the category of things I love! My grandmother is even more serious than I am - with pencils, post-its, and sharpies (don't even get me started on sharpies!) stashed around the house, leading me to believe that this listing/organization obsession is hereditary! When I say obsession I really mean awesomeness because seriously, who doesn't love an organized space! Or, an organized space full of lists! Anyhow, the point of my ramblings is that lists are awesome. This brings me to my next point.

I recently read about the Day Zero Project and loved it! The general idea of the project is to create a list of 101 goals to be accomplished over the next 1001 days. Did you read that - 101 goals on a LIST! It's like a normal list on steroids! My fav!

The guidelines from the project per the Day Zero Project website include a specific goal (ie: no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is easily measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must be realistic but involve work by the participant. The 101 in 1001 is somewhere between a “bucket list” and New Year’s resolutions.

After containing my excitement I set out to create my own 101 in 1001. It was actually harder than I thought to come up with 101 goals, especially keeping the timeline in mind. I wanted to travel to every continent but decided that may not be attainable in three years, unless of course I win the lottery. If I win the lottery I'm so re-doing this list! Anyhow, I finally finished my list and I'm so excited to begin. The challenge starts today! I'll blog about every accomplished goal (this is actually one of my 101's) and update the list as I go.

Check out my 101 in 1001 list.


  1. OMG! *Reggie's runs off to read this and is making a mental list already*

    You have added into my addiction of lists, I hope you're happy you enabler :)

  2. Woooot to being a blogger! How do you know jaye and julie? I met them both online--what a groovy small world we live in!

  3. And I'm your newest follower! Feel free to swing by my blog sometime! :)

  4. Sorry Regina! I'm a good enabler though!

    Thanks for following Shelly! Mr. C was sending me some blogs one day and I started reading Julie and Michael's blog. Then I found Jaye's and I was hooked! So, I don't really know them but I love reading their blogs! I'm assuming he actually found them through you lol! I was reading yours the other day - I need to add you to my blogroll!
