Thursday, January 8, 2015

The Lost Art of Thank You's

I love trees and I’m all about sustainability and recycling and being green, but I really, really, really love paper.  I really, really, really, really love paper when it comes in the form of a card (or money also).  When I get into a card shop or even the card section of a store I could stay there for hours – just ask Mr. C. 

I love sending out cards, getting cards, and buying cards to stockpile for the special and not-so-special future times I know I’ll need them.  Thank you cards (and the process of sending them) seem to get a rap for being not so fun, but I disagree.

I recently sent out a few thank you notes for Christmas gifts and thought it was a perfect topic for a post.  I was taught that when someone gave you a gift, you sent a thank you note.  Over the years I like to think I’ve done a pretty good job keeping this up.  There are definitely exceptions although I’m sure proper etiquette wouldn’t agree with me on that.   If a close friend or family member gives me a gift in person I generally don’t send a thank you note, but Christmas gifts, mailed gifts, and any type of shower gifts always get one.  There’s something about getting a hand written thank you note that’s just not conveyed in an email or text.

Here’s a few pointers for sending your own:

1. Find some pretty cards that fit your personality.  If you find cards you love, you’re more likely to want to send them.  I always find cute cards at Target but I'm dying to add these chalkboard cards, snail mail cards, and these colorful cards to my collection.  I love these fill in the blank cards for kids!

2. Use a nice pen.  I love felt pens and they always seem to make my writing look prettier.

3. Mention the gift and why you love it.  Maybe it sits on your desk and you think about the gift giver when you look at it, or you smile everytime you use it.  If someone gives me money or a general gift card I usually try to mention how I plan to spend it.  I usually add a little extra about what's new or something that's going on with them to wrap up the note.

4.  Find some cute washi tape and use it to seal your cards.  It's the extra touches that count!

Lastly, don't forget to actually mail the cards!  I promise your note will brighten someone's day!

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