Monday, January 5, 2015

Let's start it out right

You know how some times you're super tired and shouldn't be doing things but you push yourself because you have a lot to do?  That was me last night when I worked on part of this post, saved it, and then realized in the morning that I hadn't actually saved it but had actually hit the publish button!  Some of you may have received my mess of a post which wasn't meant to be an actual post yet, so I apologize for that.  Since then I've gotten some sleep and I'm functioning like a normal person now.

There are a couple things I consider necessities for the start of every year - my planner and a calendar are in that category without question.  In the spirit of a new year and new resolutions, I went a little farther this year and made a list of some things to help start the year off right.  

1. My Erin Condren Life Planner.  I know I have a calendar on my phone, but I like paper!  I like being able to write things down and decorate the days and put stickers on the dates for birthdays.  It takes me forever (at least a month) to decide on the cover I want (now the covers are interchangealbe!) but I’ve had an Erin Condren planner for the past three years and I honestly have no idea how I organized my life without one.

2. Some snazzy new clothes.  I went shopping after Christmas and found some clothes to help me start the new year off right.  Check out this blue chevron shirt at one of my favorite stores, Maurices.

3. The Up 24 by Jawbone was at the top of my Christmas list.  It tracks steps and sleep (my favorite feature), reminds me when to go to bed, wakes me up at the optimal time, nudges me when I've been sitting too long, and has a bunch of other cool features through the app.  This fits right in with a couple of my new year’s resolutions too.

4. My Quoteable calendar is a staple in my office at work.  One year I said no to getting the ugly office calendars and decided to spend a few dollars buying my own calendar.  I have a bit of an obsession with quotes as it is and I love looking at these colorful ones.

5. One of my resolutions was to spend more time on my passions, one of which is writing.  This Alphabet Soup journal caught my eye as we were shopping before heading to the airport a few weeks ago.

6. A good book is an amazing thing.  I actually finished this book, "How Lucky You Are", last month and loved it.  I’ll be downloading another by the same author soon, but I can’t say enough good things about this one.

7.  My style has evolved a bit in the past few years (thankfully – I looked at high school pics when I was home a couple weeks ago and that was not a good fashion period for me).  I have a few simple pieces of jewelry that have become my fashion staples.  This Kate Spade Heart of Gold Bangle is one I’d love to add to my collection.

What's on your list to start the new year off right?

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