Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day! I know this is a holiday designed to make us want to buy things and to prey upon our consumerism, however I still love the day! I love the hearts and the pink and red and the flowers and taking time to make sure those around us know they are loved. I don't think V-day should be the ONLY day to do this, but I'm staying positive and assuming that all my awesome readers are just extra awesome to their significant others, kids, pets, or whoever you celebrate with on this holiday. Mr. C and I downplay the holiday a bit since we’re apparently getting old and don’t want to deal with all the people at restaurants or overload the flower and edible arrangement people (after 3 years of them delivering flowers to me the day AFTER!), but it’s still a day that makes me giddy. With all the tragedy in the world, I’m up for a day devoted to extreme, cheesy love. Who couldn’t use a little more love?

That being said, I think we sometimes put too much stock in this one day of show boating of loving gestures and extravagant gifts. A generic bouquet of red roses because it’s “expected” doesn’t say as much to me as the bouquet of lilies and gerbera daisies sent “just because”. A nice dinner out is great, but it’s the days I’m tired and don’t want to make dinner that it means so much when Mr. C suggests picking something up so we can both just enjoy being together.

I think I’m usually pretty mindful about the fact that I’m lucky to have ended up with Mr. C. He’s got his flaws, just like me (yes, I admitted in print that I have flaws), but he’s still quite a catch! My life isn’t always exactly what I imagined it would be, but I wouldn’t trade in Mr. C for my dream career or a car full of money. Not even a plane full of money.

There are so many little everyday things that remind me that I am loved: being able to pick the music in the car no matter who is driving…even on 2500 mile road trips, having my car door opened on a date or just when we’re walking out of Target, waking up to see that the glass of water next to my bed has been filled, being told to sit down while Mr. C does the dishes, or just a text during the day to remind me I’m being thought of.

I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day but don’t let the day distract you from the everyday gestures and sentiments that remind you that what (and who) you’ve got for the other 364 days of the year is pretty awesome too.

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