Tuesday, February 21, 2012

4 Years!

The other day I was making my meal plan for the week as I randomly grabbed a notebook off my shelf.  As I opened it I found the scribbled beginnings of my wedding vows.  I stopped what I was doing, took a seat, and laughed at myself as I read through the phrases I had jotted down and then scribbled out because apparently they just weren’t good enough to express my feelings, to express my lifetime vows.  It was a funny thing to find - something so romantic and extraordinary that seemed out of place for my ordinary, meal planning evening.  I eventually found the words to say to Mr. C that, at the time, expressed the best I could the way I felt about him. 

It’s been four years since the day I stood in front of our families, friends, and God in that white dress reading my vows and knowing that I was so lucky to be marrying such a man.  So many things have changed in our lives.  Some things are for the better and some are not.  But the one thing that has never changed is how lucky I feel. 

Life has changed though – we’ve grown up.  We have long commutes and dinners that don’t taste quite right, laundry to be washed, rooms to be cleaned, socks on the floor, car problems, bills to pay, coupons to clip, mail piling up on the counter, and fights about the dumbest things.  We also have evenings spent snuggled up on the couch sharing a blanket with Coconut while watching our favorite TV shows.  We have inside jokes, sweet texts that remind the other that they are loved, that knowing glance that says what we are thinking, memories of trips and wonderful times with those we love.  We have stood by one another, clutching the other’s hand in understanding and support when someone we love has passed on or when we’re not sure if we can make it through a situation.

Four years ago today my husband vowed to love me, to stand by me, to care for me, until the end of our lives.  In the four years since then he’s done just that and today I still feel that I couldn’t be any luckier.  I thank God for blessing me with such an amazing man.  I may not have gotten everything in life right but it’s okay because I have absolutely no doubt that I got the husband part right.

Happy Anniversary Mr. C.  I love you with all my  heart.

1 comment:

  1. That is what TRUE LOVE is - not lust, but true everlasting love. Taking the time to appreciate, being thankful and showing it to the other person keeps it alive. It is your most important asset. You two are truly blessed.
    Dwell on the positive when life gets in the way.
