Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Happy Birthday Mr. C!

Mr. C is a year older today. He’s changed so much since I met him eight years ago. I’d love to post a picture but I don’t think he’d appreciate that! Let me just tell you that his hair was a bit longer, his clothes were a lot baggier, and somehow he was a bit geekier!

His gray hairs are beginning to make an appearance, but I like them. They have a sparkle about them that matches his personality.

He’s put on a couple pounds since I first met him (who hasn’t?? – and to clarify I really mean like 2 pounds) because he’s been talking to me while I’m in the kitchen, helping to taste test cookies or pies and eating the M & M's meant for cookie decorations.

He doesn’t play video games as much as he did when we first met. Instead he spends his time playing with Coconut or Oreo, taking walks with me, playing go fish or backgammon or sorry “just one more time”, watching movies snuggled up on the couch, traveling, or happily spending time doing whatever thing I’ve roped him into doing.

He’s no longer an undergrad student but was the first to graduate in his family and has a career I’m proud of. It’s hard, time consuming, and not always the easiest job, but he’s making a difference and he loves it.

At the same time, he’s still the goofy guy I fell in love with. He downloads fart apps, calls to tell me crazy things (like how he learned to turkey call, and then demonstrated it for me), and he makes me laugh a lot. Sometimes I’m just laughing at him, but it’s still laughing so it counts.

He’s still geeky, but I think he hides it better. Or, maybe I just don’t notice as much because he’s pulled me over to his side. Either way, it’s a quality in him I wouldn’t trade for anything.

He’s still the guy who would do anything for me. He’s still the nice guy I met eight years ago. He’s the one who reaches for my hand even though the car is right outside the door. He’s the guy whose one-dimple smile makes me so happy. He’s my best friend, my partner in life forever. He’s my wonderful Mr. C.

Happy Birthday Mr. C! I celebrate today because I celebrate you, everything you have been, you are, and you will become.

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