Thursday, June 23, 2011

The amazingness that is the internet

One of my favorite things online has to be I really just don’t know what people did without this site! When I had stomach pains I rushed to (I waited 2 days so maybe I didn’t exactly rush...) and entered in my symptoms. When I checked off abdomen pain a big, scary, red box popped up and told me to proceed to the hospital immediately. I think the typing was even bolded. You know they are serious then! I decided I didn’t like that option so I unchecked the box. One persistent mother and a visit to Urgent Care later I ended up in the hospital being wheeled to surgery to have my appendix out. If I had any doubts about webMD that cleared them right up! Since then I’ve been basically addicted to the site. I usually just rule out the diagnoses I don’t like, although sometimes I’ll tell Mr. C that webMD told me I have cancer of the whatever. He usually looks at me, rolls his eyes, and tells me to see an actual doctor. He just doesn’t get it.

I’m not sure what happened but a few weeks ago I hurt my foot/ankle. I tried ignoring it and that didn’t work. I tried icing it, elevating it, and wrapping it. It’s been wrapped for three weeks and is not going away. Of course I checked on webMD and googled the crap out of sprained ankles and fractures. Unfortunately I’m not much of a fan of icky medical stuff so I had a really hard time reading all the articles. When they would mention tendons, ligaments, or fractures I’d start to feel light-headed and stop. It made researching my issues REALLY hard. WebMD was super helpful although it kept referring me to a doctor. Ugh. That didn’t sound fun at all. I lectured Mr. C on why I wasn’t going to waste my hard earned money on a doctor’s visit where they’d probably tell me that nothing was wrong anyhow. At first I thought it was a simple sprain, then I figured a sprain plus a bruise, and now I don’t even know but I’m going with the fractured option. I’m not the most patient person and this is no exception. I don’t have time to sit around and wait for this dumb sprain/bruise/fracture thingie to heal!

It’s been about three weeks now. I finally called the doctor today. One place rejected me and told me I had the wrong specialty, another three had at least a two week wait, and the last got me in today. I’m slightly worried that I got in so soon when I had to wait at all the other practices. I figure either

A. There was a cancellation and it’s my lucky day!

B. The doctor is fairly new and just doesn’t have a ton of patients in need of care today.

C. No one wants to see this particular doctor because he’s simply terrible.

I’m really hoping for option A.

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