Monday, March 21, 2011

#91 and a bunch of ramblings

Some weeks it feels like I rack my brain to think of something to write about.  Other weeks, it seems that I have too many things floating around my head and not enough time.   This week is one of those occasions I have A TON to write about!  I actually took some time off this year during spring break and have a bunch to write about that!  Unfortunately I was so busy that I didn’t have time to write so I’m catching up now (after having caught up a little bit on sleep).  First up though is a little “housekeeping” - one of my 101 in 1001 items that I’m super excited to have checked off my list.

Mr. C and I have been shopping around for over a year for a D-SLR camera.  I don’t know about you, but I think a year is a very long time.  We didn’t even shop around a year for mattress, or wedding rings, or a computer, or socks.  Hey, socks are super important and should not be selected lightly.  And, wedding rings are forever!  Anyhow, we knew we wanted a Canon but didn’t want to run out and buy just any camera.  We shopped around, I watched for deals, stalked the reviews on and we FINALLY decided on a Canon Rebel T2i. 

We were still waiting for the right time though and couldn’t quite take the plunge.  A few weeks ago we were in Sedona taking pictures of the beautiful scenery with our little point and shoot camera (which I still love).  The pictures weren’t turning out like I wanted because my zoom just couldn’t cut it and everywhere we looked there were people with their amazing SLR cameras taking amazing pictures with their amazing zooms (I’m sure zooms is a technical term).  That was it.  When we got home I found the best deal I’d seen since we started looking.  Last week we proudly walked out of the store holding our new purchase.  We were like little kids with our bike, or tickle-me-elmo or something like that.  Although tickle-me-elmo is awesome no matter what age you are.  Elmo just rocks.  Not sure how this is related to the SLR purchase at this point though…but nevertheless Elmo rocks.

In the beginning it was just me that wanted the camera but then Mr. C started catching on.  He says he always wanted it but I don’t remember this and it’s my blog so we’ll just say he wanted one after I began obsessing over them.  We both knew we’d like the camera but I never expected to love it as much as we do!  We might have to eventually buy another (a long ways down the road!) because we’re fighting over who gets to use it already!

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the clarity of the photos.  The night we got it we were super excited that it showed the dust particles on the dresser!  (Yes, I know this is totally lame, and probably means I should dust more often).  Plus, it just does stuff our old camera just couldn’t.  I’m also excited that the lenses are compatible with other Canon SLR’s so if we upgrade down the line or end up purchasing another (we joke that we’ll become a wedding photography duo soon on the side) then we can still use our lenses which I LOVE!

Luckily we purchased the camera before our spring break guests arrived, meaning that we got some great pictures of off the festivities.   I tried my best to take lots of pics so the next posts will probably be packed full of them.  It might end up like a picture book with like three words for every photo.  I’ll try to contain myself! 

I also feel the need to mention that I know I’ve been slacking on my 101 in 1001 list lately.  I just get so busy that at times I forget about it (gasp - I know it’s terrible).  I’m sure you’ve all been distraught at home wondering when I’d get to my list.  Right?  Yeah, I know I’m not the centner of your world (get it!) but you never know!  When I read the 101 list I get tingly and excited all over again (because we all know about my love affair with lists).  So, after checking #91 off my list, I’m hoping to start getting serious on #’s 5-12 which are my scary fitness goals.  Honestly, most of them aren’t that scary, they just require a little time and some accountability.  Stay tuned for more riveting posts on these.  I know I’m rambling but I’m just telling you so I don’t flake out on them :)   My friend told me the other day that I’m really good at saying a lot of words without actually saying anything.  Why yes, I do believe I’ve perfected that art.  I considered taking a poll on this but I assume the outcome wouldn’t be good for me!  Ok, I’m stopping myself now. 

1 comment:

  1. That IS an amazing camera and I'm more than a little jealous!
