Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Catching Up

It's been a very long time since I blogged.  These past few months have been an adjustment period in a lot of ways and I've been kind of floating through the weeks until lately.  I'm feeling a little bit more like my old self these days, just with an extra large belly and severe forgetfulness.  Here's what's been happening in the past few months.

The first few months of pregnancy were so much harder than I imagined.  At one point I had three different medications because I felt so sick all the time.  I was finally able to get off of these and although I have nausea fairly frequently it's so much better than it was, and it's manageable at this point.

I definitely look pregnant now and I feel it as well!  While I'm sure the baby kicked earlier, I first recognized it as baby movement while laying in bed on the 4th of July.  Mr. C. felt a couple weeks later when the kicks got forceful enough to feel from the outside.

We did a lot of work on the room from painting the entire thing, to ripping up carpet and laying engineered hardwood, to painting a dresser and some things on the walls.  I'll be posting a nursery post once it's all done so I'm not sharing too much yet!  We spent quite awhile looking for a gliding rocker I liked (ordered online!) and a crib (also online!) which we waited about a month for.  The crib is all together now and I really love it!  It was most definitely worth the wait.

Between redoing floors, house guests, and pet guests, we just got our house back and spent this past weekend cleaning like crazy.  I don't think I've ever cleaned as much in one weekend as we did this past weekend, but the house finally feels like home again which means I can actually relax.  I learned a long time ago that my living space greatly impacts my stress level and I do not do well in a messy or cluttered space.

This summer Mr. C and I had some days off together due to my summer schedule and Mr. C's few weeks off in the summer.  We spent our Monday mornings eating breakfast out, swimming on Sunday afternoons, and getting things ready around the house on the weekends.

This summer went fast and somehow I'm already at 29 weeks.  I still remember being 5 weeks along, terrified in the hospital that I was going to lose our baby.  I'm so grateful that everything was fine, and feel blessed to have had a healthy pregnancy other than feeling icky for a lot of it.  So far things have been very good and she's been active at the few ultrasounds we've had.  She moves a lot during the day and her kicks and turns are getting more forceful.  I think she's been practicing her somersaults lately.  Her heartbeat is always good, I'm finally feeling more normal, and I passed my glucose test!

We spent a week in NE this summer and it was amazing.  I always love seeing all the green and the weather was great.  Mr. C and I walked around the lake by my parent's house almost every morning.  That's one of my favorite things to do and that lake is one of my favorite places back home.  We spent the first days with a couple friends who picked us up from the airport.  We didn't do anything spectacular but as always it was nice to just hang out, play games, and catch up.  I was blessed with a beautiful surprise baby shower as well and was so overwhelmed with everyone who showed up to help us celebrate.  Throughout the trip we spent time with family and friends and really had a chance to relax.  That was the last plane ride with just the two of us.

I expect the next few months will be full of baby things.  We have a couple classes, showers, and I have a baby room to finish and organize. We've decided on a name (unless she looks nothing like the name we've picked) but we're keeping it to ourselves until she's born.  I'm enjoying our still semi-spontaneous dinners out after work, cooking time consuming meals during the week,  watching too much TV, late night grocery store shopping, sleeping in, and time with Coconut before the baby comes. Every now and then I panic a little bit thinking about giving all of this up, changing this life we've built that we love, but that's short lived and I remember that we're starting a new adventure and although it will be different that's okay.  I am glad we've had the time together just the two of us for so long.  I have no doubt that things will change but I know I have an amazing partner beside me, one who is already a great dad to this little girl.

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