Sunday, July 21, 2013

Summer in AZ

I feel like I've dropped off the face of the earth a lot lately.  In the past few months I've had some medical stuff going on, and it's amazing how that, and not feeling like yourself, can consume your life.  That's not to say I haven't been enjoying life, but I'm not the type of person who can be told "don't worry" and actually not worry until I have results!  Mr. C is good at that, but me - not so much.  I do enough worrying for the both of us!   I did a lot of worrying, a lot of praying, a lot of things I didn't want to (growing up sucks), and then I spent some time thanking God for all the supportive, wonderful people in my life.  To know that people were praying for me was a huge thing and I can't imagine living life not knowing that God's got my back.

I'm finally feeling back to myself and I'm so excited!  I've missed blogging so much and I'm so excited to share with you the wonderful recipes I've discovered even though I wasn't posting them.  

I hope you've been having a wonderful summer.  I'm not a fan of this crazy AZ heat, but it's finally monsoon season which is a wonderful time of year, even if it is in the summer.  Monsoon season means waking up to cloudy days, thunder in the distance, and rain when we're lucky.  Sunsets in AZ are usually pretty amazing and with the monsoon clouds they are extra beautiful.

We took this photo one evening (sorry for the poor quality) after dinner when we took Coconut to run around in a grassy area.  It was actually cool out that night and Coconut looked so happy running around in circles in the overgrown grass while Mr. C and I enjoyed the gorgeous sunset.  That's my idea of a perfect night.  Hope you've had some of your own perfect evenings too!

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