Thursday, August 25, 2011

Frozen Moments

There’s no way to really capture nature, sometimes a picture just doesn’t do it justice.  But other times a photo can single out a smaller scene, something left unnoticed or unappreciated, or freeze a special moment in time.  The Grand Canyon will never be the same in a photo because it’s just too large to get perspective from a picture, no matter how great the photo or the photographer may be.  On the other hand, there are moments and details that may be appreciated even more when a photo focuses on these things such as the look on a man’s face when he looks at the woman he loves or a flower in the morning dew.  Photos give us the chance to dissect a moment and to hold onto it.  This is why I love photography.

Our SLR camera purchase was a big decision for us, but something I haven’t regretted for even a moment.  It was something we had wanted for a VERY long time and it was even on my 101 in 1001 list…something I’ve been neglecting a bit lately.  Another item on my 101 list was to get a nice camera bag.  When I wrote that I knew exactly which bag I wanted, even before I had the camera.  Apparently a million other people also wanted that same bag because after I ordered it I had to wait another 2 months to receive it!  Waiting was so worth it though!  So, here’s my bag, the one that makes me feel like I should be a real photographer. 

I was so excited to begin a 365 photo challenge, however the challenge would entail me taking a photo every single day of the year.  That’s a very big commitment and between wanting to actually spend time with Mr. C, keeping up with the zoo we have at our house now, my cooking adventures, and the everyday things like laundry and cleaning and bills, I’m not too confident in my ability to take a photo EVERY single day.  So, instead I’ve decided to do a 52 week challenge.  I’ll pick a topic for that week and take a single photo.  Well, knowing me I’ll take a ton of photos but pick just one!   I’ll be posting these weekly with a little bit of rambling to go with each one.  You’ll also be able to see a running post of these on my new photography page under the Pages box on the right (if you subscribe to my blog emails, you’ll need to actually go to the site to access this page).

I’m really enjoying the camera, when I take the time to use it.  I’m amazed that my photos are finally turning out the way I want!  Apparently a SLR camera has the ability to do that!  I’ve begun editing my photos a bit more but I haven’t touched many, mostly because I have a lot of nature photos and nature doesn’t need editing!  I’m not too confident in my skills at this point with anything other than nature, although I’d love to start taking more people shots.  I guess I should look for volunteers for this!  (If you want to volunteer, please let me know!)

For now, I’ll share a few of my favorites with you.  Most of these were taken in Sedona, a place that seems to have an abundance of beauty.

I didn't want to tell the tree or weed what it was.  I wanted it to tell me something and through me express its meaning in nature.  ~Wynn Bullock

The bear I found in the woods.  Just joking!  We were safely inside our car at a wildlife park.

This photo I of course did not take, however I really fell in love with it after I edited.  Those are my grandparents on the left, looking great as always.  They've been married for over 65 years!

1 comment:

  1. Your comments and descriptions are so well written and understood.
    I love your outlook of joy on life and all it has to offer. The pictures
    were delightful, but so glad you explained the one about the bear!
    Writing, recipes and pictures. What next?
