Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Magical Time of Year

December is notorious for being a crazy busy month.  My planner sees more action this month than a couple of the other ones combined.  I LOVE this time of year.  The warm glow of the lights, the familiar music, the cheesy movies, the parties, baking, shopping, the time with family and friends,…..  Christmas has always been a magical time of year to me.  It’s by far my favorite holiday. As I’m typing I’m sitting on our couch listening to Christmas music, smelling my cinnamon Scentsy bar, and surrounded by the glow of the Christmas tree and the million other lights I have plugged in.  It doesn’t get any better than this.

If I could live in the North Pole with Santa I would be the first in line for that.  THAT’s how much I love Christmas.  With that being said, it goes without saying that I tend to get a little excited/crazy this time of year and possibly go a bit overboard.  I have so much fun decorating the house and I even managed to tone it down a bit this year but still love it.

We’ve decorated a tree or two outside before but this year we decided to go all out.  I strung the lights on the trees and bushes while Mr. C worked on the lights around the roofline.  Of course although I tested ALL the lights first, somehow the one strand I didn’t have plugged in the entire time decided to go out at the top and bottom of the tree.  It’s just lovely how that always seems to happen.   I haven’t been motivated enough to fix it at this point….I’m just hoping no one notices.  The rest of the lights look pretty darn good though if I do say so myself! 

With the outside looking good, Mr. C and I put up our gigantor tree.  We got it on sale (major sale!) one year and love it, but it’s a bit large….like 9 ft. large.  It’s okay, it represents my gigantor Christmas spirit!  Decorating it with Mr. C is one of my favorite traditions.  He says I’m “picky” about ornament placement but I consider it “strategic”!

Remember Oreo, our electrical cord obsessed?   This being his first Christmas he though it would be fun to chew the branches and see if he could digest the lights.  We doused the bottom layer of the tree in bitter apple spray and kept the ornaments up a little higher than normal.  Luckily that’s stopped him for now although he’s now decided that the tree was put up with the sole purpose of being a protective spot for him to lay and hide from Coconut after he swats at her tail.  We’ve been lucky so far in that I’ve come home to an in-tact tree everyday.  I’m just counting my blessings on that one.  I won’t mention that we can’t actually put any of the presents under the tree….

In addition to the huge tree we also have this one which looks a bit smaller every year.  This one holds our special ornaments – from our childhoods and those that represent our milestones.  Every year my mom buys me at least one to represent something that happened that year.  I LOVE going through the ornaments because they all bring back such special memories. 

So that’s what I’ve been up to instead of posting on here.   I hope you’re enjoying this time of year as much as I am.  I’ve been getting a bit crafty with my gift wrapping but that’s for the next post :)

1 comment:

  1. Loved your village. You probably didn't realize but Oreo had really
    grown. Love you nativity - the reason for the season and celebration!
